The Queen:
- Will live normally between 1 and 4 years.
- Is fed royal jelly by the workers.
- Has a non-barbed stinger.
- Can lay in excess of 1,500 eggs per day.
- Without a queen, the colony will eventually die.
- Develops in 16 days.
- Can number between 40,000-60,000 in a strong colony.
- Are all females.
- Perform a multitude of tasks including: Tending to the queen, feeding larvae, feeding drones, ripening nectar, producing heat, collecting water for cooling, housecleaning, guard duty, and field collection of pollen, propolis, and nectar.
- Will die if she stings. Has a barbed stinger that is left behind.
- Will live 6-8 weeks in summer, working until her wings give out.
- Will live 4-6 months in winter when not actively working/foraging.
- Develop in 21 days
- Sole responsibility is fertilization.
- Leave the hive for 2-3 hours each day.
- Have no stingers.
- If the workers stopped feeding the drones, they would starve.
- Develop in 24 days.
General Facts
- A single bee may collect 1/12 teaspoon of honey in a lifetime.
- To make one pound of honey, bees may need to fly 50,000 miles.
- Honey bees may forage up to 2-5 miles from the hive.
- Bees do not hibernate, but cluster for warmth and remain active in winter.
- Bees will maintain an internal cluster temp of 92 degrees in the coldest part of winter, while rearing brood.
- Bees will disconnect their wings allowing themselves to pump their wing muscle to provide heat.
- Bees will fly outside the hive when temps rise above 50 degrees.
- A beekeeper's main tools are a protective veil, smoker, and hive tool.
- Smoke inhibits alarm pheromones from alerting other bees. They also gorge themselves as their instinct tells them that a fire is approaching and if they need to flee, they want to take as much resources as possible.
- A beekeeper harvests the extra honey the bees provide beyond what they need to survive. The record harvested from one colony was 404 pounds from the Aebis family in 1974.
- Raw honey contains many beneficial minerals and vitamins. Honey also has antibacterial properties and anti-oxidant benefits. Many claim relief from allergy symptoms by using local raw honey containing pollen.
- There are many varieties of honey. From orange blossom produced in the South, award winning Tupelo, clover and alfalfa, to apple and blueberry.
- Honey comes as extracted or liquid, creamed, or in the comb.
- We only produce about 50% of the honey we consume in the U.S.
- Honey bees pollinate 1/3 of all fruits and vegetables.
- There are about 1/2 the number of beekeepers there were 25 years ago.
- We have lost about 1/3 of the colonies we had 25 years ago.
- For every 100 beekeepers, 95% are hobbyists, 4% sideliners, and less than 1% are fulltime or commercial beekeepers.
- Beekeeping can be a sustainable endeavor.
- Beekeeping produces the most "green" sweetener you can buy locally or produce yourself.
- Besides honey, you can harvest beeswax, propolis, and pollen.
- Renting bee hives to farmers in need of pollination generates a source of income for some beekeepers.
- Beekeeping is dated at least 4500 years.
- Beehives are kept on farms, in backyards, on balconies and high-rise rooftops, and all areas across the country.
- Honey Bees are kept or managed in all 50 states.
- There are local, county, state, and national bee associations.
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