So much for the rain; but, I can't complain too much. I was out checking on the bees first thing this morning, and sure enough they were out and about. Buzzing here and there in the air, I couldn't see if they were all flying off in the same direction or not. I found some on the crab apple tree blossoms, and some on the pink phlox. They'd come in and settle for a while on the landing strip, mill around a bit, and either walk into the hive or buzz off again. I dared not get too close (10-12 feet) for fear of setting off an early alarm. I figured they had enough to worry about with a new house, new environment, new queen, and an urgent need to build up comb without worrying about this 210+ lb monster getting in their way.
One of the things I look forward to is just sitting and observing them as they go about their business. Fortunately a nice long lens allows me to get close without being right in their faces.

It's nice to get some photos early on.
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