Monday, May 6, 2013

Year 2013

OK, it's another year, and yet another promise to blog more. Unlike 2012, this year we'll not be selling 1 house, buying and moving into 2 others, celebrating the wedding of 2 of our children, and closing a storage unit that eyes had not set on in 10 or more years. My bees (and my golf) will be a priority this year.

The year 2013 will be different for many reasons. First, I have 3 hives this year, one more than last year. One is in a community garden in our new home town of Norwood. The other two hives are down at our Marion vacation/retirement home. I can't wait to compare and contrast the taste of the  honeys from these two different locations. Putting it in wine terms, the terroir should result in a different taste. Second, one of my "followers" over the years is moving from England to this country. Her father is and has been a close friend and colleague. He is now moving over as manager of our group. It is a great honor to work for him,  and the teamwork that will result from this change will be phenomenal. Yet, one of the biggest bonus benefits of this change at work is that he'll be moving here with his family, and I will finally meet his two youngest daughters.  For several years now, Charlie has followed with interest my bees, and I periodically would send her some of my bees' honey. I really look forward to meeting Charlie and Katie. I can easily foresee Charlie as the next little beekeeper and bee savior. This is one 9 year old that I can't wait to see don a petite beesuit and veil and stand next to me observing the bees in their daily activities. From what I know of her, it won't "bee" long before she'll want to have her hands (with gloves) in the hives, handling frames, and observing bees up close and personal. If she'll have me, I'd love to mentor her.

My community garden hive is yet another opportunity to share my bees with others and educate during the process of beekeeping there. This year there are 64 plots in the garden, and therefore many opportunities for those gardeners and friends to see the bees and learn a bit about them as the bees and I interact. I have a garden plot there this year. We should see better pollination and better vegetable production with the bees so close by. I hope to not only educate the gardeners but also their families and friends as they come to the garden.

In 2013 I am also invited back to the Farmer's Market in Norwood center to do another bee introduction to the young children. Last year I jumped at the opportunity to help educate a group of children ages 4-10 on how to identify honeybees from wasps (yellow jacket and hornets), describe what they do, and taste some of the fruits of their labor. I am not sure who had more fun last year, them or me. We'll do it again this year, and hopefully we‘ll see another group of children walk away and begin to think more deeply about bees and their role in the world in which we all live.

Yes, 2013 should be a great year!

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